
Less than 1 minuteenglishenglishLearning


// 我们被介绍给叙述者                  一个飞行员 和他对成年人的看法
We are introduced to the narrator.  a pilot, and his ideas about grown-ups. 
		// 当我六岁时,在一本书中看见了一副壮丽的图片, 叫做大自然的真实故事
		Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in the book, called Ture stories fron Nature,
// 讲述了原始森林,           它是一副蟒蛇吞下动物的图片,  
about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. Here
// 这里是这副画的复制品  
is a copy of the drawing.
// 每当 我遇到其中一个
whenever I met one of them who seemed to me at all clear-sighted, 

I tried the expriment of showing him my Drawing Number One, 

which I have always kept. 
Last update:
Contributors: gaoqisen